NetGuard | best mobile internet app blocker apk

  1. An easy way to block Internet access in any application

NetGuard provides easy and modern ways to block access to the Internet.

Applications and addresses may be denied individually or denied access to a Wi-Fi network and / or mobile connection.

Disabling Internet access can help.

Reduce your data usage
Protect your battery
Increase your privacy

3 Mobile Best New App


Easy to use
No root required
open 100 open source
Calling home is not a call
There is no tracking or analysis in tra
We don’t like any ads
The machine is actively developing and helping
• Android 5.1 and later supported
Support IPv4 / IPv6 TCP / UDP

• Chat support
Optionally allow predictions when the screen is moving
Amang block is optional while roaming
All you need to do is block system apps
Optional notification when an app has access to the Internet
An optional log at each address in each application for each network usage
Light material design theme with light and dark theme

Features Probe features:

Exit all access from traffic log, search and filter efforts Export PCAP files for traffic analysis
Allow / block individual addresses in each application
App updates set the direct sender to the notification
Display network speed graph in status bar notification
Choose from five additional light and dark themes

No other root firewall provides all this b.

NetGuard App Link


Internet Blocker is designed to monitor specific applications connected to the Internet. Employees will be able to limit data usage, stop downloading succession data for implementation, manage own employment, and specialize. The same goes for email.

These are just some of the beta goal setting software that you can use. I read a lot of them using internet data. Net Blocker offers a way to limit applications appearing on the Internet using the existing Caliphate State.

Apply for apps, addresses or redemption receipts to Wi-Fi and/or connect mobile devices individually. Internetguard does not require another root. This is your personal information from the Internet. Internet Guard No Root Firewall will be displayed online when an application is received. All you have to do is work hard for money or money.

Application schedule

The use of mobile data for the Whiteboard app is prohibited.
. You can view WiFi Apps for the application you have already provided.
Stop working on the benefits and use up your time and energy.
✔️ Simple and easy to use.
Safe and easy to use
No root required
There are no funny ads for them
Danger is not toxic

NetGuard – Internet Blocker

